Chapter 16 is just amazing!!! That’s how outstanding a good editor could be. Compared with the previous series, this series is not only full of entertainment, but also much more outreaching, which is very attractive and constructive as the second series. Looking forward to the next season.
第69届金球奖居然给了国土安全……自跳入坑喜欢Tyrion, Jon Snow, Bran, Arya, Littlefinger, Syrio, 以及所有的大毛狼and…全世界裸体优美的女人都在这里了吧……实在是太喜欢Sean Bean演戏的感觉了所以Ned Stark死的时候好看站手机站版特别不开心英文字句非常有特色能不看字幕就不看